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Copy of an email from a member regarding how to adapt to team play poker

As many of you know, team games require a different strategy and style of play. I think sometimes team games are much harder than single hold'em games


Here are some general guidelines to help you become a good TEAMIE


1. Team play is about the good of the team. The goal is to help get as many of your team members to the final table as possible. Then get the best finishes and points.


2. You may have to fold some good hands if it means that it will help to build a teammates stack, especially if you have a big stack yourself. (Or if a teammate makes a big bet before you)


3. If you are in a hand with only teammates, just check the hand down, unless you are trying to give your teammate some of your chips.


4. If a teammate makes a big raise, that is a signal he has a good hand and you should probably fold.


5. If you are in a hand with only one player and he is a teammate with lots of chips and you are low, if he raises you but not enough to put you all in, this may be a sign that he is trying to pass you chips.


6.If a teammate limps before you or has less than 1 blind and you have a monster hand, A bet is fine and is expected.


7.If you play passive (limp in when you play) it does not inform your teammates you have a strong hand and be prepared for a teammate to raise the pot, to push the blinds off, if they themselves have a strong hand.


8. If a teammate is 1 outside of the points and has blinded out and used his clock to try and make points, you might use your clock at that time also.


9: No two players have the same experience, style or profile. Never judge or second guess a teammates decision. You weren't in that seat, with that experience, with those cards, in that position, with that read, at that time. We all sometimes make a bad read or decision, get a bad beat, get sucked out, or get our bluff's called. 


Be Nice!


Upswings and downswings are a common sight in poker. Not being dealt decent cards, a string of bad beats, bad playing, etc., can all lead to tilt and compile the problem or worse, spread through the team. Support your players during a downswing.


Stay off tilt.


I think sometimes that a player on an upswing should avoid dumping lots of chips to a losing teammate. Sometimes players are not getting dealt or not on their game and are a leak. Toss a nice few, not a fortune.


This might be a touchy subject but.....

There is no "black or white" in team play without collusion, but colluding includes things such as table talk between teamies whilst still in a hand or asking your teamie what to do in a hand as well as IMing and Skyping with teamies whilst playing, this is IMHO down right cheating!!

There are a few other ways to collude which are border-line, but if you are not sure....JUST DON'T DO IT! understand things will never go the way every player wants it to every time. Just stay calm, be polite, and play for the good of the team.



These are thoughts, not rules. we understand that players are individuals.


The best advice might be: Have Fun!!! Poker is a game of odds and you cant win them all. Even the best only win 60% of their games. Don't sweat the small stuff. Make some friends and play some poker"


I hope this may help....

Cheers, Ozzy3323

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